Marco Betti

Marco Betti: a Musical Bio

What’s unique about Italian drummer Marco Betti is undoubtedly his all-but-linear musical career: the diversity of his endeavors – constantly moving across the blues, swing, R&B, folk, and rock scenes – allowed him to form a vast knowledge of American music that can be appreciated in the very personal jazz of his Marco Betti Trio.

Formed in Milan in 2012, the Trio became quickly renown in most of the city’s historical clubs, such as Blue Note Milano, Le Scimmie, and the Spirit de Milan, becoming resident band of many prestigious clubs: from the Jazz Club Torino in Turin, to the Garage Mouliski, the Santeria, and the Après Coup in Milan.

However, Marco’s insatiable musical curiosity and the vastness of his interests could not be exhausted by a single project: through the year, his research branched in different directions, distilling into the Fortune Tellers his love for the New Orleans sound, and into The Nighthawks a very personal synthesis of rhythm and blues, soul, and psychedelic rock. Two more projects for Marco to spread across Italy and Europe his idea of music without barriers between genres.


In 2015 Marco was part of the lineup of the Vintage Trio, led by Italian blues legend Max Prandi. He also shared the stage with many outstanding artists from the Italian blues scene, such as texan singer and harmonicist Greg Izor, Max De Bernardi, Veronica Sbergia, Heggy Vezzano, and Angelo Rossi.

In 2017, he toured the US, the UK, and western Europe along Diego Geraci, a pillar of the Italian country/honky tonk/rockabilly scene and his Don Diego Trio, participating in a great deal of prestigious festivals and playing with some giants in the genre: Deke Dickerson, Charlie Gracie, Mark Gamsjager, and Chris Casello.

In 2019, avant-garde jazz guitarist Simone Massaron’s The Massaron-Millevoi Connection featured Marco on the drums. The album, released by Long Song Records, is a novel collaboration with american guitarist Nick Millevoi.

In 2023 he became music director at Mou, a club in Milan heir to historical Garage Moulinski.

Marco Betti