Marco Betti

Marco Betti Trio

Jazz as an inclusive force

Out of Marco Betti’s many musical endeavuors, the Trio is definitely the most long-lived and personal.

Continuously active since 2012, it is both a laboratory in which to pursuit a rigorous research on language and styles of improvisational music, and a context to give shape to the most disparate creative urges.

I try to base my interplay with other musicians on a minimal basis, by working on melodic lines and tribal beats. Improvisational spaces must be equally divided among the players: I want the expressive result to be always more than the sum of its parts.

Marco Betti on stage

  • Marco Betti: Drums
  • Francesco Palmisano: piano
  • Rino Garzia: bass

The project’s longevity brought its repertoire to branch into diverse directions: research paths centered upon themes, sounds, and authors that are particularly dear to Marco, that the Trio regularly reprises live, represented in concerts with specifically dedicated programs.

Rumble in the Jungle: The immortal musical mastery of Duke Ellington

Misterioso: Thelonious Monk’s musical cubism

From a Wider perspective: A journey beyond the borders of jazz